How to improve the air quality of your home

Everybody knows about the importance of good air quality, but did you know that the air inside your home can have a level of pollutants up to 100 times higher than the air outside? Most people would think twice about moving to an area with poor air quality outside,...

What You Need to Know About Heating System Maintenance

Heating systems have always played an important role in the home and the workplace. They keep us warm, comfortable, and safe when the temperature outside starts to drop. Like any other appliance in your home, your high-efficiency heating system requires routine...

What’s the Difference Between a Boiler and a Furnace?

How do you know which heating system is best for your home – a furnace or a boiler? Benny’s Energy can help you understand the difference between the two. The easiest way to remember what sets them apart from each other is the understanding that a furnace uses...

Make Your Life Easier with Automatic Fuel Delivery

Automatic fuel delivery means you’ll have the fuel you need when you need it. You’ll probably have enough fuel before you need it, avoiding a hurry or the need to order delivery. Automatic delivery has a few additional advantages over just helping you...

Top Reasons to Use a Wi-fi Thermostat in your Home

Thanks to technological innovation, you can now convert your home into a smart and energy efficient space by having a Wi-Fi Thermostat installed. In addition, the oil-fired residential heating system installed in your house can work well if paired up with the smart...